Friday, April 24, 2009

The mind game

I went to attend a course on capitalising our brian by the Mind Map Guru Tony Buzan himself today.

I have been exposed to mind mapping before but it was never a tool that I swear by. That perhaps explain why my grade has never been great enough for those who donned Prada suit in the offices at the top level of some skyscrapers along shenton way to throw me a scholarship.

Lately, other than my eyesight that is deteriorating, my memory power is also disintegrating to that of a table every passing minutes.

So this course by Tony Buzan comes in handy to salvage whatever that is left in my brian that still qualify me as a normal human specie.

One takeaway today for me is that to remember things, rote learning will not take you anywhere. Rather, we should be relying on association and imagination. By creating images as vivid as possible in your head based on the subject matter will help you to remember it if you recall the images at least 5 times. This will help to translate your short term memory into long term memory.

In order that you don't fall into the same category as me whom is slowly approaching an IQ equivalent to that of a four legged wooden table, when you cross your big 40, excercise both your right and left brain so that it has synergistic effect in its functioning. By excercising, i mean doing things that will trigger the function of your right brain like music, arts, etc and excercise your left brain by performing tasks that requires logical thinking, numbers, words etc.

One good news, according to Tony Buzan at least, that we can improve our memory contrary to the belief that as we get older, our memory quotient is inverse related to our age.

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