Thursday, October 9, 2008

A lesson on the road

We were on our way to meet Adeline to catch Mama Mia. We were on PIE and I was telling Siew Boon that sometimes, when I am too engross in thought, I would miss the exit to city and I have to go a longer way, passing through umpteen traffic lights before I reach my intended destination. It is such a waste of time and effort and it normally generates lots of frustration.

Siew Boon gave me an instant reply which started me reflecting, " what if along the way you enjoy the scenery or discover something interesting?"

That's a very refreshing perspective.

Many a time, when we make an error we tend to get frustrated, missing the unexpected little blessings that might turn up.

No, I didn't miss the exit to city this time, but I certainly learn an important lesson in life - Ride through life obstacles and keep an open heart for little blessings that might turn up when you least expected!


siewboon said...

Hey, thanks for sharing your reflection on dat, enjoy reading it :) Ha, at times questions do spark off a discussion or brings about self reflection. …Well, some roads in life are indeed not easy to travel along…the journey may be tedious, tiring, lonely and at times, I think we juz feel like giving up completely and throw in the towel. But at dat moment in time, if we could search within our hearts, we would probably come to a realisation dat no matter wat happens, there are still those whose care, love and understanding will always be there. …“We are each of us angels with only one wing and we can only fly by embracing one another.” ~ Luciano de Crescenzo

M@rk said...

I am currently feeling just like what you described. I feel tired, lonely and so defeated having to do the report all by myself. I can't take flight with just one side of wing. Sob! Sob!

Cheri Joan said...

Not sure if u remembered that a 2 Christmas ago, I gave everyone a pair of silver wings as present. I think most of my friend thought I gave them something pretty impractical. What they couldn't see was the underlying meaning of that pair of wings. Sometimes, we are so need of a pair of wings to take flight. And that's what I meant with that pair of wings. My dear angel, those wings maybe tiny but they symbolise my blessing for you. I may not be able to help u with that report, but know that u will never be alone.

M@rk said...

Hey my angel, unfortunately this time round, I need a huge pair of wings to save me. I will like to share with you my experience in this whole report saga.

I realise that perhaps this management track might not be my forte. Besides, managing people is also not my strength. I guess this is God's way of telling me how I should progress from here.

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