Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Hero

If you have watched the movie," Hachiko "
I think you would agree with me that it is a simple story,
yet an extremely powerful depiction of loyalty and friendship.

Almost the end of the story, the patrons around me were sobbing uncontrollably, especially the girls.
The sight of a very loyal dog who would return to the train station to wait for the return of his deceased master every day for ten years was heart-grippingly touching.

I remembered Yoshi's parents used to have a dog of the same specie as Hatchi.
A Japanese dog, I would call it.
Yoshi told me that the dog would bark at strangers only.
But when I went over to stay with Yoshi's family ten years ago, the dog did not bark at me the first time he saw me.
I used to be afraid of dogs, but somehow, I found myself fond of Yoshi's parents' dog.
Sad to say, he passed away last year, and Yoshi told me that his mother cried buckets.

I wonder when I passed away, will Sunny miss me?
I hope he won't, then it will be easier for him.
I want him to be like his name, feeling sunny always.

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