Sunday, June 17, 2012

Weight Loss target

This is my fitness goal, transforming from the current obese state to a fitter self. Hope the avatar creation will help me stay focus on my exercise regime.

Monday, June 11, 2012

A photo a day #32

Made these pouches with my new sewing machines My workmanship is still real bad. Need more practice.

A photo a day #31

Nice little deco like this brings coziness and nature into the room.

A photo a day #30


This very nice and huge cafe at Seoul sells very nice bread and pastries. And it's not expensive, twice the price of Mcdonalds only, considering it's offering very quality food and service.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sewing project 2

This is my second sewing project. A zipper bag with inner lining.

This is my second attempt. The first attempt ended in my waste bin. I'm really glad I managed to pull it through. Thanks to my great coach, the "YouTube".

A photo a day #29

I was at this cafe at Chinatown last Sunday. I was captivated by the glasses the cafe uses. They are the retro looking Guinese Stout glasses.

I've not seen these for a while.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Spot the difference

Hmm... Erinna sent me this pic and said:

Older and fatter.

It was only 7 years apart but the damage is so obvious. Not going to think what I'm going to look like 7 years later.

A photo a day #28

My first handmade tote bag.

I bought a Singer sewing machine this afternoon and completed sewing my tote bag.

Thanks to Erinna who loan me a book on how to sew bags.

Though my sewing was not straight at all, I felt a sense of satisfaction.

A photo a day #27

Someone left this on my table this morning

Its a Croissant from the hype about bakery at Tiong Bahru. It is famous for it's croissant. A journalist recently wrote that it was the best croissant she ever tasted.

If I'm not wrong, it must be SB, cos I overheard she was going to a cafe with a friend the day before.

The Third Life

  The third life! As I enter this phase of my life, there are obvious and inevitable changes to me, be it physically, mentally and even circ...