Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I went to have my colonoscopy at Changi General Hospital today. I reported at 9.45am for my 10 am appointment.

I was showed to the ward where one other guy was already waiting for his scope. While waiting, three other guys came in too for their scope.

I changed into the garment I was given and lay on the hospital bed to wait to be called for the scope. Initially I was calm, but as one by one the others were wheeled for their scope, eventhough I was there first before three of them, I got agitated. And anxiety increased.

By the time I was wheeled in, it was 1.10 pm.

This time round, the LA that they administered to me did not knock me out. I was just in a daze and could see my intestines on the monitor. I could feel pain at a certain point of the procedure.
The whole experience made me feel like I'm in a production line, waiting for my turn to be wheeled in to the assembly line, just that this assembly line did not practice first in first out method.

I'm still waiting for them to discharge me which must be 2 hours after the procedure so that the LA would wear off.

For a simple procedure, I actually wasted 3 hours waiting and from the window I'm looking out now, a storm is approaching. Luck has never been on my side.


Mabel said...

Hi Mark,
What happen? Why do you need to go for this? Hope it's all well for you. Will keep you in prayers. Do take care. Play well & Rest well.
Happy Holidays!

M@rk said...


All is well, just taking precautionary measure as there is family history of colon cancer.

Thanks for your prayers.


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