Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Needed to use toilet so came to KFC at Bedok central. Wah! The toilet is nicer than my house toilet.

The outlet is newly renovated and everything is new n nice. They even have a new system whereby you just order at the counter and then given a number, then wait for your number to be called at the serving counter.
I like it, no more queue at the counter and wait for the counter staff to prepare the food for serving.

It's great that they make a change for a system they used for so many decades.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I went to have my colonoscopy at Changi General Hospital today. I reported at 9.45am for my 10 am appointment.

I was showed to the ward where one other guy was already waiting for his scope. While waiting, three other guys came in too for their scope.

I changed into the garment I was given and lay on the hospital bed to wait to be called for the scope. Initially I was calm, but as one by one the others were wheeled for their scope, eventhough I was there first before three of them, I got agitated. And anxiety increased.

By the time I was wheeled in, it was 1.10 pm.

This time round, the LA that they administered to me did not knock me out. I was just in a daze and could see my intestines on the monitor. I could feel pain at a certain point of the procedure.
The whole experience made me feel like I'm in a production line, waiting for my turn to be wheeled in to the assembly line, just that this assembly line did not practice first in first out method.

I'm still waiting for them to discharge me which must be 2 hours after the procedure so that the LA would wear off.

For a simple procedure, I actually wasted 3 hours waiting and from the window I'm looking out now, a storm is approaching. Luck has never been on my side.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Birthday gift

I love plants and in the mood to pot some plants.

I made another pot for a friend whose birthday is coming.

I hope she'll like it.

Tower terrarium

Finally found a nice glassware to make my terrarium.

This is my first time using such kind of container, so hopefully the plants will survive well in it's Eco environment.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Greenies in red

A friend requested me to pot some greenies in a red pot for him.

So this afternoon I drove down to the nursery at Bedok and got this red pot. I was stuck in a storm for a while, and so took some time to appreciate a cup of hot teh halia ( Ginger tea ) at Simpan Bedok.

Friday, November 11, 2011


This is a coffee plant.

On it, you can find the coffee flower and coffee seed.

The tour guide offered some ripe coffee seeds for me to taste. The coffee seed actually was tasteless. Nothing like the aromatic roasted coffee bean.

Through fire, it brings out the best of the coffee.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


I'm in Vietnam now and learnt how to make a grasshopper out of a leaf.

It took a while to learn how to fold the pleats.

Once the critical step was mastered, it was rather easy to make the grasshopper.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Ho Ho Ho plant a money plant!

I re-potted this few leaves of money plant in this little rectangular pot.

Oh! Guess who's here?
Ho Ho Ho, it's Santa!

Christmas terrarium

Also made this terrarium with a little Santa Claus ornament in it.

Very simple to make and cost slightly above S$10 only.

Christmas garden

It is a public holiday today.

I drove down to the nursery and bought some plants and materials for potting.

Potted this little garden and placed Christmas ornaments on it to welcome Christmas.

The Third Life

  The third life! As I enter this phase of my life, there are obvious and inevitable changes to me, be it physically, mentally and even circ...